A battery backup for your whole house could give you peace of mind through any storm. Rather than using a generator, our home battery backup will provide energy when your solar panels are providing low output. No matter the weather—rain, snow, or shine—you’ll always have peace of mind knowing you have power.

Whether the goal is to lessen your dependency on the grid or decrease your overall expenses, JTE Solar can make it happen. We’ll work with you and your budget to create a home energy solution that puts the power back in your hands. In addition to solar panels, our experienced technicians will use home battery backups and power generators to ensure your home is always powered on without ever breaking the bank.

There are endless possibilities when deciding the perfect home power solution to end reliance on standard electricity. We’ll work together with you to determine your exact needs and design a home energy plan that includes solar panel design and installation for maximum output, a home backup battery, and much more to ensure you’re getting the most out of your home energy design.

With proper care, your solar panels won’t need much upkeep. When repair and maintenance is required, don’t hesitate to reach out. It’s important to work with our team to ensure your whole system continues working together in harmony. Don’t wait until it’s too late—and don’t trust anyone but JTE Solar with your solar energy system.

Solar Financing and Tax Incentives

Solar energy can save you up to $1,000 a year on energy bills, depending on your solar system’s size and energy usage. In addition to the savings on energy bills, homeowners can take advantage of the 30% solar tax credit, which significantly reduces the initial cost of installation. Plus, with JTE Solar financing, you can take advantage of state and local savings without large upfront expenses.

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