The first question you might be asking is, is solar power the right choice for you and your family or business? With so much information out there, it’s easy to know that solar is good for the environment, but how do you know if those benefits will extend to you? Will it provide enough energy, and is it more cost-effective?


Now that you’ve made the choice to let Nashville’s most experienced solar electricians work their magic on your home energy plan, things will happen pretty quickly. Be sure to look into the federal solar investment tax credit so you can save up to 26% off the cost of your install (22% after 2022) and you’ll also save anywhere from 6.25% to 8.25% on the TN sales tax. With the money talk out the way, you can start dreaming of the days when you’ll no longer be sending payments to the utility company anymore. Clean and renewable energy that you own is just around the corner.


To get started, we recommend contacting us today for your initial consultation. JTE Solar is here to answer all of your questions and present you with a custom-designed home energy system. Start by filling out this form or giving us a call at 615-972-5532, and we will send one of our experienced energy experts to your home or office to evaluate your needs. And finally, we’ll set you up with everything you need. Working with a range of brands and options, you’ll end up with a system built specifically for your needs.

How Much Does It Cost to Install Solar Panels?

The general estimated cost of solar installation and storage is typically between $32,000 – $70,000 before any sales tax exemptions, and homeowners can take advantage of the 30% solar tax credit to offset some of the initial cost of installation.

Do I Need a Solar Backup Battery?

It’s perfectly normal to lean toward solar power but still have some questions such as, “Do I need a home backup battery?” “How much does a home backup battery cost?” or “How long does a home backup battery last?”. The short answers are “maybe,” “$7,000-$14,000,” and “about 15 years.” Because of the already hefty up-front price tag on solar power installations, home backup batteries aren’t always necessary. It all comes down to individual needs.

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